August 2017

Photo Gallery – View some of our Happy Customers!

Posted on Aug 25, 2017

We are extremely pleased to display some of the wonderful people we’ve worked with!









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What is a Real Property Report?

Posted on Aug 25, 2017

A Real Property Report is a legal document that clearly illustrates the location of significant visible improvements relative to property boundaries. (Improvements to be shown are outlined in Part D, Section 8.5 of the Manual of Standard Practice.)

Over the years, the standards for Real Property Reports have changed.

It takes the form of a plan or il...

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Title Insurance is now widely used in Alberta

Posted on Aug 25, 2017

Title Insurance

“Title Insurance” is now widely used in Alberta. Before you agree to accept “Title Insurance”, you should know what you are getting.

What it is not

As found in the United States of America, Title Insurance is an insurance policy guaranteeing that you have good indefeasible title to a certain piece of land. In Alberta this type of title...

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